A high standard of dress is expected for all our tamariki and rangatahi. Putting time and effort into the way we look at school helps us all to look and be part of the National Park team and we are proud our uniform expectations have no gender specificity
Prices for uniform items can change quite regularly so it is best to contact the school office for the most up to date costs. School is able to sell most items directly to you and we also have a good stock of pre-loved gear that can be purchased. Items like shorts and trousers can also be bought at Postie or through The Warehouse.
Top Options
School logo or plain yellow skivvy or polo-shirt (short or long sleeved)
School logo royal blue polar fleece or vest.
Bottom Options
Royal blue or navy shorts
Plain navy blue track pants/trousers (no non-school labelling)
Royal blue skort
Plain white, navy, royal blue, grey or black socks, tights or thermal leggings
Plain black, brown, navy, royal blue shoes or trainers or sandals
Gumboots (Easter to Labour Weekend, children must have shoes to change into inside, or go bare footed)
No jandals
Gold school logo or plain navy legionnaire style sunhat in Summer (Labour Weekend to Easter)
Hair around shoulder length must be tied back
Discrete functional hair accessories, preferably in navy, black, brown, yellow, royal blue or white
Taonga are fine but no jewellery please
Sleepers or discrete studs only in ears
We also encourage children to bring their own water bottle to school each day.
Children are encouraged to bring a change of clothes for messy play, muddy games or sweaty activities