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With a strong commitment to whānau partnerships together we can nurture and support our tamariki & ākonga to experience a broad education that opens up exciting pathways to further learning for all  

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Learners & Whānau

The peaks of our maunga remind us to always reach excellence in our learning. As our children continue their journey at Waimarino - National Park School their personal hīkoi is constantly inspired by the lofty peaks of our maunga

Our Young Leaders

Inspirational Leadership is not just the realm of adults, our tamariki & rangatahi are encouraged and supported to lead & inspire



Our unique mountainous environment attracts an eclectic group of highly passionate kaimahi to our Kura 

Board of Trustees

Our diverse & talented Board of Trustees ensure we are always focused on meeting the wants and dreams of our learners while supporting whānau


Friends of NPS

Our 'Friends' are an amazing group of supporters who help drive fundraising and provide support for the school

Hall & Pool Hire

Through out each year we help support our wider community by allowing controlled access to the swimming pool & private function hire of our hall 


© 2022 Waimarino - National Park School

Images: Waimarino - National Park School, Andy Hoyle, Simon Hoyle, Conrad Smith, Helen Sosna & Liz Brooker
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